Saturday, July 30, 2016

10 Cancer Causing Foods You Are Eating

According to the American Cancer Society, "in 2014, there will be an estimated 1,665,540 new cancer cases diagnosed and 585,720 cancer deaths in the US. Cancer remains the second most common cause of death in the US, accounting for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths."


If you - or someone you love - have been among any cancer statistic, you know that the disease is awful. And chances are you have asked - how did this happen?

Unfortunately there is no definite answer, but there are some suggestions on how you can change your eating habits to decrease your chances of cancer.

Here are some foods that are believed to cause cancer:

Non-organic fruit - It's no surprise that fruit is sprayed with pesticides, but organic fruit is sprayed with safe, natural pesticides. Chemical pesticides are the ones to watch out for because they're known to be linked to cancer, Alzheimer's, ADHD and birth defects. Pesticides build up in your body and affect your nervous, reproductive and endocrine systems.

Canned tomatoes - Canned tomatoes lined with a chemical known as BPA. In 2010, the FDA "identified possible hazards to fetuses, infants and young children." However, they still have not banned them.

Deli meat - I have already warned you about the link between deli or processed meat and Alzheimer's, but meats like hot dogs, sausage, bacon and most cold cuts contain carcinogens. Processed meats look so yummy because of preservatives with nitrates and unfortunately these are well-known carcinogens.

Diet beverages - many people choose a diet drink to save the calories, but what if I told you that you're actually better off drinking the full-calorie drink (if you have to, it's better to avoid these types of drinks all together). Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, sucralose and saccharin have been found to cause cancer.

Farmed Salmon - I know, you may have been eating salmon because you've been told that fatty fish are good for your heart but the director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the State University of New York at Albany established that farmed salmon (instead of wild) are grown using harmful chemicals, pesticides and antibiotics.

Hydrogenated oils - Since vegetable oils are chemically removed from their source and then they are deodorized to become hydrogenated, you'll want to avoid them.

Refined white flour - which unfortunately are found in lots of processed foods. Processed flour actually has a very high glycemic rate, which has been found to feed cancer cell growth.

Refined sugar - many researchers have stated that cancer has a sweet tooth and feeds off sweet foods that contain ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup. Luckily manufacturers have been listening and there are now plenty of snacks, cereals and juices made without high fructose corn syrup.

Alcohol - no worries, in moderation a glass of wine is OK to enjoy. It's when alcohol is abused in excess when it can cause heart disease, a stroke and even cancer. The American Cancer Society has alcoholic beverages listed as a "known human carcinogen".

Corn and Soy GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) - According to the USDA, approximately 94% of soy and 89% of corn products are genetically modified. These foods have been chemically grown and modified with chemicals. There have been oodles of arguments about GMOs, but the bottom line is that 30 other countries have banned them and the "FDA approved commercial production of GMOs based on studies conducted by the companies who created them and profit from their sale."

So there you have it. You may love many of these items, but believe me, they are easy to give up. And when it comes to cancer - better safe than sorry.

Article Source:

Thursday, July 28, 2016

How To Lose Belly Fat - Hint, No Cardio, Situps, or Diet - Lose 4 Inches of Belly Fat in 26 Days

You want something new and exciting... and that's what I have for you. Here's how to lose belly fat (specifically - lose 4 inches of belly fat in 26 days) without any diet, situps, or the typical bogus cardio stuff like running on a treadmill.

Healthy Eating

Here are 3 out-of-the-ordinary belly fat exercises that will allow you to lose belly fat fast.

Lose Belly Fat Exercise #1: The Belly Rub

This is my favorite belly fat exercise and it takes all of 40 seconds to do. First, you need to rub your hands together for 10-15 seconds to create kinetic heat energy (I'll explain briefly). Next, you take 1 hand and start rubbing around your belly button in small circles.

Rubbing your belly in circles should last about 25-30 seconds. That's it. Do 3-5 minutes of this each day.

Ok, now the idea behind that. Belly fat (all fat) doesn't like heat. Any type of environment where your core body temperature gets elevated increases your body's fat burning abilities. So by rubbing your hands and creating kinetic heat energy... and then rubbing one of those hands on your belly... you're creating a localized area of higher internal temperatures.

And... it's right on your belly fat. The heat from your hands pass through your skin and right into the belly fat deposits. This heat will help "persuade" and loosen up some of the fat to dissolve or break off and be carried away in the blood.

Soon after that, that fat will be excreted by you in either your urine, feces, or sweat.

Oh yeah, 1 quick tip before I go on to the next belly fat exercise. To generate more heat quicker, lick one of your hands before you rub them together. Seriously... it works!

Lose Belly Fat Exercise #2: Vacuum Pose

This exercise is similar to sucking in your belly, but there is a key difference. While standing up, you need to visualize your belly button getting sucked into your lower back when you do this. This will help you to suck in your belly at the correct point... which is your belly button.

Lead with your belly button when you suck in your belly.

This exercise doesn't provide much for weight loss, but it's the quickest way to lose inches from your waist while toning up your belly. I'll repeat that. This exercise is the quickest way you can lose inches from your waist!

Anyway, when you do the vacuum pose, suck in your belly for a minimum of 15 seconds each time. Eventually, try to build up to holding in your sucked-in belly for 1 minute at a time. Do this exercise for 5 minutes everyday.

Lose Belly Fat Exercise #3: Jumping on a Mini-trampoline

Ok, first off, you can get a mini-trampoline for about $25. Wal-Mart has them. Now, this is probably my favorite piece of equipment. It allows me to stay home to workout. You're going to jump on the mini-trampoline, but it won't be like that typical gym cardio.

I want you to jump on it for 2 minutes at a time. Nothing more. Now, don't worry... you don't need to jump high for this to be effective. In fact, you barely lift your heels off the thing. A lot of times, my toes don't even leave the surface of it... just my heels lift off and sway left to right in a nice rhythm.

What I found that works best for me is to do these 2 minute intervals during tv commercials. The typical tv show has about 22 minutes of commercials each hour. So there's your 22 minutes of working out... without you having to make a special trip anywhere.

The 22 minutes breeze by... all the while as you watch tv. What can be better than that?

Now, you don't need to limit yourself to just doing these during tv commercials. Do them whenever. What I do is I jump on it for 2 minutes whenever I get a chance... morning, afternoon, or night. The 2 minutes here and there add up. But I also have a routine of doing them while I watch my favorite tv shows at night... 4 days a week, 22 minutes each night.

So how did I do?

Did I not deliver on my promise to give you some cool and fun belly fat exercises! And yes... I had 1 client who lost 4 inches off her waist in 26 days doing just these 3 exercises... without making any changes to her diet or exercise routine. I've also had numerous other clients lose 2-3 inches in a month doing these.

If you don't know how to lose belly fat after reading this article, I don't know what to say. This is not brain surgery. You just need to get up off your butt and do these things. Now go lose some belly fat before you make me mad! Smile. Kidding.

Article Source:

Nutrition Tips For Weight Loss - 3 Strategies That'll Fire Up Your Metabolism

Friends; let me show you my 3 secret nutrition tips for weight loss. These will really help you melt the pound if you just give them a fair shake. It could be said that all you really need for permanent weight loss are these 3 tips. So let's get right down to business. Onward to the end of your weight loss journey.


Alright, you're spending valuable time with me reading about nutrition advice for weight management. Let's get right to it shall we. This 1st tips is an easy lob for you. But don't be fooled by its simplicity. This is a fat loss piranha that just looks like a guppy. Make all your beverages calorie free. Even coffee and tea. Try to get used to them black and unsweetened. You'll be amazed with the kind of results these nutrition tips for managing your weight will offer. Liquid calories my friends are pound hounds. They'll strap a rubber tire to your belly before you can say "refreshing".

And the race is on with nutrition tips for weight loss in the lead. Let's amp up our game a bit with the 2nd super tip. Managing weight is not rocket science. But hopefully with the tricks for you here, you'll be able to conquer your weight once and for all. Tip number 2 is a slippery snake.

Have soup and salad for every lunch. A big pile of salad greens with a fat free dressing. Add chopped red onions and tomatoes. We're talking less than 100 calories for a big plate. Have a cup or 2 of soup as well. But the good ones. No cheating with chowders and cream-of-put-it-right-on-my-hips. Choose the clear soups and the broths.

Nothing they say succeeds like excess. So in these nutrition tips for weight loss the third secret is to be a little excessive. I mean you can go a little bonkers one day a week. Have ice cream or chocolate or donuts. This is hugely beneficial psychologically and will keep you motivated. But be reasonable. Don't be overstuffing yourself. You've worked too hard with these nutrition tips for weight loss to throw it away now.

Article Source:

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

3 Under-Rated Nutrition Tips for Fat Loss

When you travel, you need nutrition tips for fat loss. But it isn't easy to lose fat on the road. Fortunately, these 3 under-rated but highly effective diet secrets can help you to get lean and stay lean when you travel.


The secret is to follow this #1 nutrition tip:

1 - Be accountable.

By promising you that I'm going to record my every meal, I have to make the right choices or I'll suffer embarrassment in front of thousands of people when I send out my food diary from the trip.

So you must find someone to be accountable to as well. It can be online, or it could be a friend at work or someone at the gym. All that matters is that you have someone to hold you accountable for your nutrition choices!

By the way, just keeping a food journal has been proven to increase weight loss. So even if you don't show it to anyone, holding yourself accountable will be enough to help your beat a fat loss plateau.

The next tip works really well for the final phases of dieting, or when on a business trip.

2 - Eat the same food everyday (sometimes).

Okay, I know, this doesn't sound like fun, but my friend, a world-famous New York City trainer, uses this when he has to lose the final 5-10 pounds of fat for a photoshoot.

And he is able to get super-lean by doing this.

Of course, this isn't a long-term strategy, but when you need to get "advanced results", you have to take advanced measures.

So when traveling to a business seminar, find the right choice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and eat the same thing at each meal. That will minimize the damage - or even help you lose fat while on the road.

Or if you are in the final phase of a fat loss program, stick to the meals that are the best for your fat loss and easy to prepare.

You can treat yourself when the job is done.

3 - Increase your fiber intake.

I've stolen this idea from another friend, a nutrition expert, who gave some

amazing tips on how to eat more fiber.

Fiber fills you up, helps you eat fewer calories, and may even help you eliminate extra bad calories.

Now here's a few ways for you to get more fiber in your diet:

- Blend in raw nuts with your smoothies & protein drinks
- Add vegetables to your omelet (I add broccoli, spinach, & mushrooms)
- Eat fruit between meals instead of high-calorie granola bars
- Snack on raw nuts instead of white-flour products like pretzels

(I had a pretzel addiction in high school, and now I eat almonds)

Those are simple and under-rated, yet proven ways to improve your nutrition and lose more fat at home and while you travel.

When I travel, I start my day with a high-fiber, nutrient dense blender drink, then eat some fruit, and have a big omelet with vegetables before I head to the airport after lunch. And then I stay on track so that I can tell you all about my meals, workouts, and adventures when I get back.

Article Source: